Standing Split

How to Do Standing Split Pose in Yoga

Standing Split is a yoga pose that requires an intermediate level of skill and flexibility. It is a great pose for stretching your legs and hips and improving your balance. The split pose involves standing on one leg while extending the other leg up towards the ceiling, keeping it as straight as possible. This requires a lot of strength and control in the standing leg and flexibility in the lifted leg.

Moreover, this pose is also commonly used as a preparatory position for the front-to-back split pose, done on the floor on a yoga mat. The front-to-back split pose is also known as the Monkey Pose or "Hanumanasana" in Sanskrit. By practicing Standing Split regularly, you can gradually increase your flexibility and strength, making it easier to achieve the full expression of the Monkey Pose.

Step-By-Step Guide to Perform the Standing Split Pose

  1. Standing split pose start with the Standing Forward Bend position.
  2. As you inhale, lift your upper body by straightening your back and coming up onto your fingertips.
  3. Inhale and sweep your left arm upward and over your head, creating a gentle stretch in the left side of your ribs.
  4. Exhale and initiate a twist in your torso to the right. Pivot on the ball of your left foot, lifting the heel off the floor. Lean forward and place your front torso against the right thigh, placing your hands on the floor on either side of your right foot. If your hands don't comfortably reach the floor, support them with yoga blocks.
  5. Gradually walk your hands slightly forward and shift your weight onto your right foot.
  6. Inhale and gradually straighten your right leg while lifting your left leg to parallel the floor.
  7. Maintaining the proper external and internal rotation balance in each leg is crucial, especially the standing leg. The left leg and hip may rotate externally, causing the hip to lift away from the floor and angling the pelvis to the right. To counter this, focus on rotating the left thigh internally to keep the front pelvis parallel to the floor.
  8. Pay close attention to the standing leg, particularly the knee angle. The knee may tend to rotate inward; ensure you rotate the thigh outward and position the knee so the kneecap faces forward.
  9. Focus on distributing equal energy into both legs during the standing leg raise. Keep the raised leg parallel to the floor or higher if possible. Try to lower your torso as you raise the leg. If flexible, you can hold the ankle of the standing leg.
  10. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  11. To release, exhale, and lower the raised leg. Then, repeat the same sequence on the other side simultaneously.

Standing Split

Beginners' Tips To Perform Standing Split Pose

If you are new to standing split yoga poses, keep your hips level instead of lifting your leg as high as possible. Don't lock the knee of the standing leg. Press through the ball of the lifted foot to help keep it raised.


Avoid standing in a split pose if you have ankle or knee injuries or high blood pressure that prevents you from performing inversions. And do not lock the knee of the standing leg.

Concentrate on stretching the front of the lifted thigh while keeping the hips square and level rather than attempting to raise the leg higher.

Benefits of Standing Split Pose

Incorporate this pose into your daily routine to reap the full advantage of standing split pose. Here are some benefits of regular meditation of split pose.

  • Strengthens and tones the legs, feet, and ankles.
  • Enhances balance and concentration.
  • Provides a stretch for the hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps.
  • It functions as a mild inversion, promoting increased blood flow to the brain and calming the nervous system.

Standing Split

Variations of Split Pose

  • For an added challenge, try holding onto the ankle with both hands.
  • Experiment with standing splits against a wall or using a yoga block.
  • Add Standing Splits to your balance sequence by transitioning from Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana to Warrior III, then to Standing Splits, and finally back to Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana.

    Wrapping Up

    Incorporating a Standing split pose into your yoga practice can help physically and mentally. This asana strengthens your legs, improves balance, and encourages a mindful connection between your body, breath, and inner self. You develop a greater sense of stability and poise as you explore the balance between external and internal rotation in your legs and the synergy between your upper and lower body.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the significance of maintaining proper leg alignment in a standing split pose?

    Proper alignment of the legs is crucial for the effectiveness and safety of the split pose. It will help prevent injury and ensure maximum benefits, such as a deeper stretch and improved balance.

    How can I improve my balance in Standing Split Pose?

    Balancing in Standing pose can be challenging. To improve your balance, focus on a fixed point, engage your core muscles, and practice regularly. You can also use props like blocks or a wall for support.

    Can the Standing Split Pose be modified for beginners?

    Yes, beginners can start by practicing variations of this pose with props or by not lifting the raised leg as high. Gradually, as you gain strength and flexibility, you can work on raising the leg higher.