Menstrual cramps can be a big hindrance to your daily routine. It is a painful experience that can be troubling for women. There are several reasons that can cause period cramps, including lack of sleep, endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, heavy flow, uterine fibroids, stress, cervical stenosis, liking to eat processed foods, and adenomyosis.
If you are experiencing menstrual pain for a long time and it happens continuously during your menstruation, there are physical activities that can help relieve the pain. Yoga, especially when practiced on a comfortable yoga mat, is one of the most effective physical activities that can help overcome pain caused by menstruation.
7 Yoga Poses To Overcome Period Cramp
Here are the seven best yoga poses that you can do to minimize period cramps.
Child's Pose
- Begin in a kneeling position, lower your buttocks toward your heels, and sit up straight.
- Exhale, stretching your body down and forward, allowing your stomach to rest on your thighs.
- Extend your arms ahead, laying them flat on the yoga mat with your forehead touching the mat. The child's pose stretches your shoulders, buttocks, spine, and arms.
Tips: For those who find it challenging to rest their buttocks on their heels, placing a folded blanket or yoga block between your thighs and calves can provide comfort.
Supine Twist Pose
- Start by lying on your back with your legs extended.
- Bring one knee to your chest, stretching toward your shoulder, then fold your knees across your body to the opposite side, keeping the other leg extended.
- Your back should remain flat on the ground, allowing only your hips to rotate.
Tips: For additional support or a deeper stretch, use a pillow or yoga bolster under your knees, or ask a friend to apply gentle pressure to your knee and shoulder.
Standing Forward Bend
- Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart.
- Bend forward by exhaling and hinging at your hips. Keep a slight bend in your knees to avoid any strain.
- Hold onto each elbow with the opposite hand, allowing your head and neck to relax completely.
- Let your torso hang freely, feeling the stretch through your hips, hamstrings, and back.
Tips: Uttanasana is excellent for improving circulation, especially after prolonged periods of sitting or lying down. If touching the elbows feels too intense, you can place your hands on your shins or let them dangle towards the floor. Remember to keep the neck muscles relaxed to release any accumulated tension.
- Lie flat on your back on a comfortable surface, with your legs extended and arms resting by your sides.
- As you inhale, gently bring one knee, then the other, towards your chest.
- Wrap your arms around your shins, hugging your knees closer, but ensure this motion is gentle and does not strain your back.
- Keep your back flat on the meditation mat, and if possible, rock slightly from side to side to massage the lower back.
Tips: Apanasana is known for its ability to relax the back and lower abdominal muscles, thus easing menstrual discomfort and reducing anxiety. If you find it difficult to hold both knees at once, try alternating between legs. This pose can also aid in digestion, so it's a beneficial practice even beyond its application for menstrual pain relief.
Happy Baby Pose
- Lie on your back, bringing your knees to your chest, with heels pointing upwards.
- Grasp the outer edges of your feet and gently rock side to side.
- The Happy Baby pose helps in rolling the spine.
Tips: If flexibility is an issue, holding your ankles or shins is a suitable alternative, ensuring your chest stays open.
Bow Pose
- Lie on your stomach, feet hip-width apart, and arms by your sides.
- Bend your knees, holding your ankles.
- Then, lift your heels and thighs off the mat while looking forward.
Tips: Avoid Bow pose if you suffer from lower back or neck injuries, or if you have blood pressure issues.
Camel Pose
- To perform the Camel Pose, start by kneeling on a yoga mat. Place your hands on your hips and gradually lean back until you are able to place your hands on your heels.
- When you lean back, make sure your thighs are at a right angle to the floor, and your knees are the same distance apart as your hips.
- Once you have placed your hands on your heels, arch your back and extend your neck for a deeper stretch.
- You can also let your head curve back gently, but make sure you do not strain your neck.
- Hold Camel pose for a few breaths and then slowly release it by bringing your hands back to your hips.
Tips: Keep your neck in a comfortable position to avoid strain. Adjust by tucking in your toes to elevate your heels if necessary.
These seven yoga poses offer a practical approach to alleviating period cramps, making it possible to perform them at home with proper guidance. For those new to yoga or seeking assurance in their practice, consulting a trainer can provide additional support and ensure the movements are executed correctly for the best results in relieving menstrual discomfort.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Sitting Position For Period Cramps?
Sitting cross-legged can help improve blood circulation and reduce tension. Elevating your legs can also aid in blood flow. To relax your lower back, try reclining with the help of a small cushion.
What Makes Period Cramps Worse?
Research has shown that meat, sugar, and coffee can make the monthly discomfort worse for those who menstruate. Although painkillers and anti-inflammatories can help relieve the pain, it's not recommended to use them for a long time, and they might not work for everyone.