Are you ready to add a new twist to your Crow Pose? Let's explore Parsva Bakasana, Side Crow Pose, or Side Crane Pose. This advanced variation of the classic arm balance introduces a significant challenge. Unlike the regular Crow Pose, where each knee touches one of your arms, Side Crow requires you to lift both knees to one side, making it more difficult to maintain balance.
Side Crow is a challenging twist and arm balance pose. Before attempting Side Crow, ensure you are comfortable with the basic Crow Pose (Kakasana).
Benefits Of Side Crow (Parsva Bakasana)
- Strengthens the upper body and engages your back, arms, and wrists.
- It improves core strength and enhances stability and balance.
- It stretches the back and groin muscles, which increases flexibility.
- Massages internal organs and promotes digestive health.

Warm-Up Poses For Side Crow
- Plank Pose: The Plank pose strengthens the core and warms up the body.
- Crow Pose: Prepares the body for arm balance.
- Revolved Chair Pose: Enhances flexibility and strength.
- Revolved Boat Pose: The Boat pose engages the core and improves balance.
- Lord of the Fishes Pose: The fish pose stretches and warms up the spine.
Step By Step Instructions To Do Parsva Bakasana Pose
- Begin facing the long side of your yoga mat. Squat down with your feet and knees together.
- Inhale deeply and lift your left arm towards the ceiling. Exhale as you twist your torso to the right.
- Place both hands on the floor outside your right foot. Ensure your hands are shoulder-width apart, with your wrist creases parallel to each other and the edge of the mat.
- Lean your torso forward, bending your elbows to form a 90-degree angle. Position your elbows directly above your wrists as if moving into Chaturanga Dandasana.
- Rotate the heads of your upper arms back and away from the floor.
- Place your right outer thigh onto your left upper arm, creating a shelf. Draw your elbows towards each other, keeping them close to your body.
- Twist deeply and lift your feet off the floor, keeping your knees and feet stacked. To maintain balance, you can lower your forehead onto a yoga block or yoga bolster while lifting your feet.
- Maintain the Parsva Bakasana position for 3-5 breaths. Slowly release your feet back to the floor.
Beginner's Tip For Parsva Bakasana
Although this pose may appear to rely solely on arm strength, engaging your abdominals is crucial for balance and reducing wrist strain. Focus on twisting deeply and activating your core muscles throughout the pose.
If you feel unstable, place a block in front of you. Rest your forehead on it as you lift your feet off the ground to secure your balance.
Avoid Side Crow if you have any wrist or arm issues or injuries. Additionally, avoid it if you have very high blood pressure or any condition that restricts you from doing inversions.
Variations Of Side Crow
- Side Crow with Straight Legs: Once in the pose, try straightening your knees out to the side to increase the difficulty.
- Side Crow on Blocks: Practice the pose with your hands on blocks to elevate yourself higher, which can ease the strain on your hands and wrists.
- Side Crow with Support Props: Place blocks under your feet and shoulders. These yoga props will support your body as you shift your weight from your feet to your arms, providing additional stability.

Follow-Up Poses For Side Crow
- Downward Facing Dog: The Downward-facing dog stretches the entire body and relaxes the muscles.
- Standing Forward Fold: Releases tension in the back and legs.
- Child's Pose: The Child pose provides a gentle stretch and relaxation for the back and shoulders.
Mastering the Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana) adds an exciting and challenging twist to your yoga practice. This pose enhances your upper body and core strength and improves your flexibility and balance. You can progressively achieve this advanced posture by following the step-by-step instructions and incorporating variations and props. Remember, patience and consistency are key. Listen to your body, and enjoy the journey towards mastering Side Crow.
Frequently Asked Questions
What If I Have Wrist Pain When Practicing Parsva Bakasana?
If you experience wrist pain, try practicing on blocks to reduce strain. Additionally, ensure you are engaging your core and not placing all the pressure on your wrists.
How Can I Improve My Balance In Side Crow Pose?
Use a block or bolster to support your forehead, which can help you balance as you lift your feet. Engage your core and maintain a deep twist to stabilize your body.