Low Lunge Pose: Techniques and Benefits

Low Lunge Pose: Techniques and Benefits

Each yoga pose is a gateway to physical, mental, and emotional transformation. The low Lunge is a powerful meditation for harnessing strength, flexibility, and inner balance among the myriad of postures. Known as Anjaneyasana in the ancient language of Sanskrit, this pose embodies a symphony of movement, stretching the thighs and groins, opening the chest, and inviting a sense of rejuvenation.

In its basic form, the pose involves stepping one foot forward into a lunge position while lowering the back knee to the yoga mat. The front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle, with the thigh parallel to the mat and the back leg extended, providing a deep stretch to the hip flexors and quadriceps.

yoga mat

Benefits Of The Low Lunge

The Low Lunge has several advantages. 

  • Performing the Low Lunge can help to open up your hips and stretch your groin area. 
  • It can also help to strengthen your legs and improve your balance.
  • Moreover, it can aid in improving your flexibility, particularly in the hip flexors and quadriceps. 
  • The Low Lunge can also help relieve lower back tension and improve your posture.
  • The low Lunge opens the heart center by lifting the chest and extending the arms overhead, promoting emotional release and vulnerability. 

Step-By-Step Instructions To Perform Low Lunge Correctly

  1. Start in Downward-Facing Dog by exhaling and stepping your right foot forward between your hands, ensuring the right knee aligns over the heel. Lower the left knee to the floor, and while keeping the right knee fixed, slide the left leg back until you feel a gentle stretch in the left front thigh and groin. Turn the top of your left foot to the mat.
  2. As you inhale, lift your torso upright. Start by extending the arms to the sides and lifting them towards the ceiling until they are perpendicular to the yoga mat. Draw the tailbone down towards the mat and lift your pubic bone towards your navel. Feel the lift in your chest as you engage the firmness of your shoulder blades against the back torso.
  3. Take your head back gently, avoiding any strain on the neck. Reach your pinkies towards the ceiling, lengthening the spine and creating space in the chest. Hold this position for a minute, exhale your torso towards the right thigh, and place your hands on the floor. Exhale and lift your left knee off the floor, returning to Downward-Facing Dog. Repeat with the left foot forward for the same duration.

Low Lunge

Beginner's Tip 

An effective yoga pose is the Low Lunge to improve your balance. To make the pose even more beneficial, try the wall pose. Begin by positioning yourself in a lunge position, with one foot forward and one back. Press the big toe of your front foot against the wall and stretch your arms upwards, reaching for the wall with your fingertips. This will help to deepen the stretch and improve your overall balance. By practicing this variation of the Low Lunge, you'll be able to strengthen your legs, improve your body posture, and enhance your overall sense of balance and stability.

Low Lunge Variations

  • Hands-on-Hips Variation: Place your hands on your hips for added stability.
  • Arms Reaching Up Variation: Reach your arms overhead to deepen the stretch.
  • Back Arching Variation: Arch your back gently to open the chest further.
  • Quad Stretch Variation: Slide the knee away from your body to intensify the stretch in the quadriceps.
  • Props Variation: Support yourself on yoga blocks on each side of your front foot. For added cushioning, use a folded blanket or meditation cushion under your back knee.
  • Chair Variation: Practice a seated version of Low Lunge by sitting in a chair and lifting one leg, holding onto the knee or calf with both hands.

Low Lunge

Preparatory Poses

  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Reclining Hero Pose
  • Chair Pose
  • Hero Pose
  • Follow-Up Poses


    Low Lunge's multifaceted benefits and versatile variations are a gateway to deeper self-awareness and physical vitality. Whether as a part of a dynamic flow or a standalone practice, this pose invites us to explore the interplay of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. As we integrate Low Lunge into our yoga journey, may we embrace its transformative power, finding solace, balance, and renewal with each breath.

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What Is The Difference Between High And Low Lunge?

    The main difference between high and low Lunge is the position of the back knee. In a high Lunge, the back knee remains lifted off the ground, focusing on leg strength and balance. In contrast, a low Lunge involves lowering the back knee to the floor, allowing for a deeper stretch in the hip flexors and groins.

    Can Low Lunge Help With Back Pain?

    Individuals experiencing mild to moderate back pain can benefit from the Low Lunge pose, which stretches and strengthens the muscles around the hips and lower back. However, those with severe or chronic back issues should consult a healthcare professional before practicing Low Lunge or other yoga poses.