Lizard Pose

Lizard Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions for Optimal Stretching

Lizard Pose, also known as Gecko Pose, is a beneficial yoga asana for intermediate-level practitioners primarily targeting the hips, groin, and inner hamstrings. In Sanskrit, "Utthan" means to stretch out, "Pristha" signifies a book page, and "Asana" denotes a pose. This pose is particularly intense for those less flexible in the hips but can be modified with yoga accessories to suit various levels of flexibility.

This yoga pose has both physical and mental health benefits. It can help relieve stress, improve concentration, and promote overall wellness. By practicing Lizard yoga regularly, you can experience these benefits and improve your well-being.

Step-By-Step Instructions For Lizard Pose

This challenging but rewarding yoga posture requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and balance. By following the step-by-step instructions for the Lizard Pose, you'll be able to approach the posture with confidence and reap its many benefits.

Lizard Pose

Starting Position

  1. Begin in the Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Take a deep breath in to prepare.
  2. On your exhale, carefully move your right foot to the outside of your right hand. Aim to bring your foot forward so your toes align with your fingertips. This positioning is crucial for setting up the foundation of the pose.
  3. Ensure that your right knee forms a right angle directly above your ankle. Your foot should slightly point outward, approximately 45 degrees, to accommodate a comfortable hip opening.

Entering The Pose

  1. With an inhale, gently lower your elbows towards the yoga mat, placing your forearms flat on the surface. Use a yoga block under your forearms to provide some elevation and support if the stretch is too intense.
  2. As you settle your forearms on the mat or block, distribute your weight evenly and spread your palms wide for stability.
  3. Maintain a neutral head and neck position, using yoga bolster to rest your head and keeping your gaze downwards or slightly ahead to avoid strain.


yoga mat


Holding The Pose

  1. As you exhale, engage your left leg by pressing your left heel away from your body, which helps activate the leg muscles and prevents your hips from sagging towards the mat.
  2. Hold this position and breathe deeply. Focus on maintaining deep, even breaths to help sustain the pose. Remain in this position for five full breaths, allowing the stretch to deepen with each exhalation.

Exiting The Pose

  1. To release from Lizard Pose, take a deep exhale and carefully straighten your arms, lifting your torso slightly to align your wrists under your shoulders.
  2. Step back into Downward-Facing Dog with your next inhale and breathe here to reset.
  3. Repeat the entire sequence on the other side, starting with your left leg forward, to ensure balanced flexibility and strength on both sides of your body.

5 Benefits Of Lizard Pose

The advantages of performing Lizard Pose are numerous. Here are a few of them:

Muscle Toning

Lizard Pose actively engages and stretches the muscles in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. Regular meidtation strengthens these areas, supporting everyday movements such as walking, running, and standing.

Mental Relaxation

This pose requires focus and deep breathing, which helps calm the mind and alleviate stress. The deep stretches release tension in the body, particularly around the lower abdomen, encouraging mental renewal.

Enhanced Hip Flexibility

By deeply stretching the hip muscles, Lizard Pose improves flexibility in this area, which can enhance overall balance and ease stiffness and tightness in the hips.

Reduces Belly Fat

The intense stretch involved in Lizard Pose helps tighten the abdominal muscles. Holding the pose for longer can increase its effectiveness in toning the core and reducing excess fat around the lower abdomen.

Activation Of Reproductive Organs

Lizard Pose is beneficial for those experiencing reproductive health issues. It stimulates the pelvic region and lower abdomen, promoting better function and health of the reproductive organs.

Common Mistakes

  • Breathing Incorrectly: Move through the pose slowly and maintain steady breathing. If breath control is challenging, consult your instructor for guidance.
  • Overextending the Hips: Avoid pushing your body beyond limits, especially in hip-openers like Lizard Pose.
  • Comparing Yourself to Others: Remember that flexibility and physical capabilities vary widely; focus on your progress and comfort.

Modifications And Variations 

There are several ways to modify and vary the lizard pose. It includes:

For Less Flexibility

Place a knee on the yoga or meditation mat for support, use a block under your forearms, or keep your arms straight if bending is too intense.

For More Flexibility

Deepen the stretch by rolling onto the outer edge of your foot, bending your back knee, and, if possible, grasping your back foot to pull it toward your buttocks.

Advanced Variation - Flying Lizard Pose

  1. Start from Downward-Facing Dog and step your right foot forward.
  2. Move your right arm behind your leg, placing your palm next to your foot.
  3. Lift your back foot off the ground, balancing solely on your hands.
  4. Hold for a few breaths, then slowly release, maintaining control.

Safety Tips For Lizard Pose

  1. Warm-Up Properly: Ensure your body is adequately warmed before entering Lizard Pose, particularly your hip and leg muscles, to prevent strain or injury.
  2. Mind Your Knee Alignment: To protect your knee joint from undue stress, keep your front knee directly above the ankle and do not push forward past your toes.
  3. Use Props for Support: If the stretch is too intense, use props such as yoga blocks under your forearms or a meditation cushion under your back knee for added support and comfort.
  4. Maintain Even Breathing: Focus on even breaths throughout the pose to aid muscle relaxation and calming the mind.
  5. Avoid If Injured: If you have pre-existing injuries, especially in the hips, knees, or lower back, consult a healthcare provider or a yoga instructor before attempting this pose.

Final Thoughts

Lizard Pose is a versatile asana that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or relatively new, integrating this pose into your routine can enhance your yoga practice, provided it's performed with proper form and mindful adjustments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Deepen The Stretch In Lizard Pose?

To deepen the stretch, you can:

  • Lower onto your forearms if you are initially on your hands.
  • Gently press your front knee outward with your elbow.
  • Extend the back leg off the floor for a more active pose.

What Should I Focus On During Lizard Pose?

Focus on maintaining deep, steady breaths, keeping your hips level, and ensuring your front knee stays aligned with your ankle. Listen to your body and avoid pushing into any painful sensations.