Bound Angle Pose

Bound Angle Pose: Steps to Perfect This Essential Asana

Bound Angle Pose, also known as Cobbler's Pose, is a seated yoga position that opens the hips and groin. In Sanskrit, it is called "Baddha Konasana" (BAH-duh cone-AHS-uh-nuh). This pose helps counteract tightness from prolonged sitting and can benefit our physical and mental well-being. The actions in Bound Angle Pose are similar to some standing postures that require open hips, such as Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II) and Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose). Practicing it can improve your ability to hold these poses.

Benefits Of Bound Angle Pose

  • Stretches: Hips, groins, knees, and inner thighs.
  • Improves Circulation: Enhances blood flow, especially in the pelvis.
  • Relieves Discomfort: Helps with menstrual and menopausal symptoms and eases sexual tension.
  • Stimulates Organs: Benefits the heart, abdominal organs, kidneys, ovaries, and prostate.
  • Therapeutic Uses: Can help with sciatica, flat feet, high blood pressure, infertility, and asthma.
  • Mental Calm: Reduces stress, anxiety, and mild depression.
Bound Angle Pose

Step By Step Instructions To Perform Baddha Konasana Pose

  1. Start in Staff Pose and sit with extended legs straight in front of you and your spine straight. Place your arms at your sides with your palms resting on the mat.
  2. Pull your heels towards your pelvis, press the soles of your feet together, and let your knees drop open to the sides. Without pressing on them, allow your knees to fall only as far as they naturally go.
  3. Use your first two fingers to hold your toes. Press the outer edges of your feet together and into the yoga mat.
  4. Sit up straight and extend your spine from the base of your spine through the crown of your head, thereby lengthening your spine.
  5. Look softly straight ahead or at the tip of your nose.
  6. Stay in the Baddha Konasana pose for up to five minutes. To release, let go of your toes, gently lift your knees, and extend the legs back into Staff Pose.

Modifications & Variations For Baddha Konasana pose

Bound Angle Pose offers a deep hip and groin stretch and can be adjusted to suit your flexibility and comfort level:

  • Elevate Your Hips: If your hips are tight and your knees are high, sit on a blanket, yoga bolster, or yoga block to lift your hips above your knees. This reduces strain and helps align your spine.
  • Support Your Knees: If your hips are very tight, place a block under each knee or thigh for extra support.
  • Alternate Grips: Hold your ankles or shins instead if you can't reach your toes.
  • Use Wall Support: If your back needs support, practice with your back against a wall.
  • Forward Bend: To deepen the stretch, fold forward at your hip joints, keeping your torso long. Rest your elbows on your inner thighs, and if you can bend forward, place your head on the floor.
yoga block

Tips To Perform Bound Angle Pose 

Practicing Bound Angle Pose can help alleviate poor posture and tight hips, especially after long periods of sitting. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Never press on your knees in this pose to prevent injury.
  • Avoid jerking, pulling, or forcing movements; let them be slow and smooth.
  • Balance your weight equally on both sit bones. Rock forward, back, and side to side to find a neutral position, ensuring your pubic bone and tailbone are equidistant from the floor.
  • If folding forward, aim to draw your chest toward your toes rather than your forehead to your heels. This helps maintain a long, not rounded, spine.

Mistakes To Avoid 

  • Avoid the Baddha Konasana pose if you have a groin or knee injury.
  • Do not force your knees open; use modifications if needed.
  • Consult with a doctor if you have any medical concerns.


Baddha Konasana is a beneficial pose to incorporate into your daily yoga routine, especially after long periods of sitting. Breathe calmly and avoid forcing the stretch. With regular practice of bound angle pose, you will notice increased flexibility and ease in your movements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Bound Angle Pose Good For?

It stretches the hips, groins, knees, and inner thighs, improves circulation, relieves menstrual discomfort, and can reduce stress and anxiety.

Can I Do Baddha Konasana Pose If I Have Tight Hips?

You can modify the bound angle pose by sitting on a blanket or block and using props under your knees.

Is Bound Angle Pose Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, it can be beneficial during pregnancy, but always consult your doctor first.