Somatic Workout: A New Approach to Fitness and Mindfulness

Somatic Workout: A New Approach to Fitness and Mindfulness

As the fitness world evolves, somatic workouts stand out as a deeply personal and effective approach to health and well-being. Whether you're looking to improve flexibility, reduce pain, or achieve greater inner peace, these Meditations can offer a path toward achieving those goals. Remember, the journey to better health is not just about the destination but about understanding and enjoying every step.

What Is A Somatic Workout?

Somatic workouts are based on somatics, a field that studies the body as perceived from within. These workouts focus on the internal movement experience rather than the external appearance or results. Paying close attention to how your body feels during exercise can connect your mind and body more deeply.

The Origin Of Somatic Streches

Thomas Hanna developed the concept of somatics in the 1970s, incorporating elements from older practices like yoga and Tai Chi, and emphasizing the use of tools such as a yoga mat. Hanna believed that by reeducating the nervous system through movement, people could improve their physical well-being and reduce pain.

Benefits Of Somatic Workouts

  1. These workouts enhance your range of motion.
  2. They are excellent for alleviating chronic pain and muscle stiffness.
  3. Somatic exercises can correct poor posture by reeducating the muscles.
  4. The mindfulness aspect helps in managing stress and anxiety.
  5. You become more attuned to your body's needs and responses.
  6. The practice encourages mental clarity and focus.

Simple Somatic Stretches 

Each of these DMT meditations aims to increase body awareness and release tension, forming a foundation for a more mindful and connected approach to movement. Remember, the key to bodily exercises is focusing on how the movements feel rather than simply going through the motions.

Standing Awareness

This exercise helps you connect with your body by focusing on the sensation of standing. It's a great way to start tuning into your body's signals.

  • Step 1: Stand straight with your feet firmly planted on the floor or meditation mat.
  • Step 2: Focus on how your feet grip the floor. Contract and then release your foot muscles.
  • Step 3: Take deep breaths and notice your abdominal muscles expanding and contracting.
  • Step 4: Scan your body from top to bottom, identifying any areas of tension.

Hang Your Head

This stretch targets neck tension and helps you understand how head positioning affects your upper body.

  • Step 1: Stand up straight with your feet rooted.
  • Step 2: Gently let your head fall forward as far as comfortable.
  • Step 3: Notice how the muscles in your neck feel and any effect on your shoulders and upper back.
  • Step 4: Identify areas of tension and focus on releasing it during the stretch.

Seated Cat-Cow

A gentle, seated version of the classic yoga pose, this cat cow pose enhances spinal flexibility and awareness.

  • Step 1: Sit kneeling or cross-legged with hands on knees.
  • Step 2: Inhale and pull your chest up, stretching the front of your body.
  • Step 3: Exhale and curl inward, chin to chest, rounding your back.
  • Step 4: Repeat the sequence.

The Arch and Flatten

Ideal for addressing lower back pain, this exercise focuses on the movement of your spine and abdominal muscles.

  • Step 1: Lie on your back with feet flat and knees bent, hip-distance apart.
  • Step 2: Take a deep breath and notice the movement of your lower back and abdominal muscles.
  • Step 3: Arch your back, pressing your glutes and feet into the floor.
  • Step 4: Hold, then slowly flatten your back against the floor.
  • Step 5: Repeat slowly, scanning for tension and releasing it.

Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose is excellent for strengthening the lower back and glutes while promoting hip flexibility.

  • Step 1: Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat, and arms at your sides.
  • Step 2: Press down on your palms and feet, lifting your hips to form a bridge.
  • Step 3: Ensure your hips are aligned with your knees.
  • Step 4: Hold a few breaths, lower your hips, and repeat.

Iliopsoas Exercise

Targeting the deep iliopsoas muscles, this exercise enhances awareness of your hip and spine connection.

  • Step 1: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat.
  • Step 2: Place your right hand behind your head.
  • Step 3: Lift your head and right leg about 6 inches off the yoga mat.
  • Step 4: Scan for lower back, hips, and leg tension.
  • Step 5: Gently lower and repeat, alternating sides.

Carpal Tunnel Exercise

This exercise focuses on your arms and wrists, relieving tension from prolonged typing or wrist-intensive tasks.

  • Step 1: Lie on your left side with legs bent 90 degrees before you, head resting on your left arm.
  • Step 2: Place your right hand on the ground, elbow bent at 90 degrees.
  • Step 3: Move your right arm up and around your head, hand near your left ear.
  • Step 4: Gently lift your head, contracting the right side of your waist.
  • Step 5: Release slowly and repeat on the other side.

Embryo or Child's Pose

A restful yoga pose or a child's pose stretch allows you to release tension in your back and shoulders.

  • Step 1: Kneel and sit back on your heels, lean forward with your forehead on the floor.
  • Step 2: Place arms by your sides, palms up, or stretch them out ahead, palms down.
  • Step 3: Hold the pose and focus on relaxing.

Supine Spinal Twist

This relaxing twist aids in releasing tension in the lower back and improving spinal mobility.

  • Step 1: Lie on your back, legs extended, arms to sides in a T shape, palms down.
  • Step 2: Bend your right knee upwards, then slowly drop it to the left side of your body.
  • Step 3: Turn your head toward your left fingertips.
  • Step 4: Carefully return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.


Somatic workouts shift from traditional exercise methods, focusing on internal experience and mindfulness. This approach offers numerous benefits, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. By incorporating somatic exercises into your routine, you can journey towards a more mindful, healthy, and aware state of being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Yoga And Somatic Exercises?

Yoga and somatic exercises focus on mind-body connection but have different approaches. Yoga often involves a series of static postures and breathing techniques, aiming for physical and spiritual well-being. Somatic exercises, on the other hand, focus primarily on internal physical awareness and movement. They involve gentle, repetitive movements to reeducate the nervous system, release muscle tension, and improve bodily function. While yoga is more about balancing strength, flexibility, and mental tranquility, somatics is centered on sensory-motor learning and addressing habitual patterns of muscular tension.

Do Somatic Workouts Work For Weight Loss?

Somatic exercises aren't primarily designed for weight loss; they aim to improve body awareness, reduce muscle tension, and enhance movement efficiency. While they can be part of a holistic approach to health that may indirectly contribute to weight management, they're not as calorie-intensive as cardio or strength-training workouts.