Goddess Pose: A Guide to Feminine Strength and Grace

Goddess Pose: A Guide to Feminine Strength and Grace

Utkata Konasana, commonly called the Goddess pose or Sumo squat position, is a yoga posture that serves as a potent hip opener. This pose invigorates the physical body and enhances the flow of prana, or life force energy, throughout the body. The name itself conveys its essence: "Utkata" means powerful, "Kona" signifies angle, and "asana" denotes posture. As such, the Goddess pose is often celebrated for representing the resilience and strength embodied in feminine energy.

What Does The Goddess Pose Yoga Entail?

The Goddess Pose, known as Utkata Konasana in Sanskrit, is a potent yoga type renowned for cultivating strength, balance, and mindfulness when executed with precision and intention. Its name is derived from Hindu mythology, where the Goddess Kali is often depicted triumphantly, arms extended outward and feet firmly rooted in a squatting position, thus inspiring the term "Goddess Pose."

Goddess Pose

How To Perform Goddess Yoga Pose

To gracefully enter the Goddess Pose, follow these simple meditation techniques:

  1. Begin at the top of your yoga mat in the Mountain Pose. Stand tall with your big toes touching, keep your heels slightly apart, and allow your hands to rest at your sides with your palms facing forward.
  2. Take a deliberate step back with your left leg, extending it approximately three to four feet behind you. Pivot on your heels, aligning your feet toward the center of your meditation mat so you are facing the long edge.
  3. Rotate your toes outward at a 45-degree angle, creating a V-shape with your feet. Bend both knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Ensure that your knees track over your second toes, avoiding inward or outward tilting.
  4. As you settle into the pose, draw your shoulder blades back and downward, lifting your chest upward while gently tucking your tailbone.
  5. Extend both arms straight overhead, with your palms turned toward each other as if preparing to give yourself a high-five.
  6. Embrace the posture, holding it for 30 to 60 seconds or even longer if you desire a more intense challenge. Remember to maintain slow and deep breathing throughout the pose to stay centered and connected.

Meditation mat

Beginner's Goddess Pose Tips

  1. Slow Transitions: Enter and exit the pose slowly to maintain control and prevent strain.
  2. Knee Alignment: Keep knees aligned with toes to avoid injury—maintain 90-degree angles or make using a yoga belt more comfortable. Make sure to get your yoga accessories from a reputed brand like Basaho.
  3. Foot Awareness: Prevent inner arch collapse by pressing heels down and lifting arches.
  4. Steady Hips: Avoid hip bouncing; keep them stable for balance.
  5. Upright Spine: Maintain an upright posture with shoulders over hips.
  6. Breath Awareness: Stay mindful of your breath just like we do Chakra meditation; avoid holding or rapid breathing for comfort.

Benefits of Goddess Pose

Goddess Pose, also known as Utkata Konasana in Sanskrit, regular meditation offers a range of physical and mental benefits:

Goddess Pose

  1. Strengthens Muscles: It targets and strengthens the muscles in the legs, thighs, and buttocks, helping to tone and sculpt these areas.
  2. Improves Balance: Practicing Goddess Pose challenges your balance and stability, which can enhance overall coordination.
  3. Stretches and Opens the Hips: The wide stance in this pose helps to open and stretch the hips, improving flexibility and reducing tension.
  4. Tones the Core: Engaging your core muscles while holding the pose helps tone the abdominal muscles and supports a strong, stable spine.
  5. Empowerment: Goddess pose promotes inner strength and confidence.
  6. Mental Focus: Holding the pose while maintaining proper alignment requires focus and concentration, promoting mindfulness and clarity.
  7. Hip Flexor Release: Regular practice of this pose can help alleviate tightness in the hip flexors, benefiting individuals who spend long hours sitting.


  1. Chair Support: If you have difficulty with balance or mobility, you can practice Goddess Pose with the support of a sturdy chair. Stand facing the chair's backrest, holding it for stability as you pose.
  2. Wall Support: Beginners can use a wall pose by standing tall like a tree pose with their back to the wall, which can help with balance and alignment.
  3. Shallower Stance: Reduce the width of your stance if the full Goddess Pose feels challenging. Start with a narrower stance and gradually widen it as you become more comfortable.

Wrapping Up

Goddess Pose, Utkata Konasana, is a powerful yoga posture that not only strengthens and tones the lower body but also cultivates a sense of inner strength and empowerment. Its wide stance, deep squat, and various modifications and variations make it accessible to practitioners of all levels, allowing everyone to experience its numerous physical and mental benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does The Goddess Pose Symbolize?

The Goddess Pose, or Utkata Konasana in Sanskrit, symbolizes strength, empowerment, and divine feminine energy. It embodies the qualities of a goddess, representing grace, confidence, and inner power. The pose's wide-legged stance and open arms evoke a sense of grounding, stability, and connection to the earth, while the deep hip-opening stretch fosters a sense of expansion and liberation.

Is There Any Other Name Of The Goddess Pose?

The Goddess Pose is also called the Horse Pose or the Temple Pose. In addition to its Sanskrit name, Utkata Konasana, these alternative names reflect the posture's resemblance to the stance of a horse or the shape of a temple archway. Regardless of the name, the pose is a powerful symbol of strength, femininity, and spiritual connection in yoga.